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Welcome to the Advanced Level Executive Protection Seminar, organized by Core Group / Isbo Academy.

This intensive program is designed for professionals seeking to elevate their skills in the dynamic and demanding field of Executive Protection.

Upon completion of the training program and the evaluation by the Core Group, an examination procedure is carried out to obtain a Certificate of successful attendance.

The exams are carried out by EUROCERT AE, independently accredited by the National Accreditation System (ESYD), Body certifying persons, which ensures the objective and impartial conduct of the assessment of the learning results.

Start date: 20 – 10 – 2024

Expiry date: 15 – 12 – 2024

Learning outcomes:

Attending an advanced level training program as a bodyguard yields several significant learning outcomes that enhance both the theoretical knowledge and practical skills required in the profession. One of the main outcomes is a deeper understanding of threat assessment and risk management.

Bodyguards learn to identify potential threats more accurately and develop strategies to mitigate those risks effectively. This includes studying the psychology of attackers, understanding different types of threats, and gaining skills in using advanced surveillance equipment.

Another critical learning outcome is the enhancement of physical skills. Advanced training programs often include rigorous physical conditioning, hand-to-hand combat techniques and defensive driving skills. These programs ensure that bodyguards are in top physical condition and are able to respond quickly and effectively to any physical threat.

Communication skills also have a significant improvement. Bodyguards learn advanced techniques in verbal and non-verbal communication, enabling them to interact effectively with clients, colleagues and potential threats. They are trained in the art of de-escalation, negotiation and conflict resolution, which are vital to defuse potentially dangerous situations without resorting to violence.

Another key learning outcome is the ability to work seamlessly in a team. Advanced programs emphasize the importance of coordination and cooperation in a security team. Bodyguards practice various team-based tactics and protocols, learning how to function effectively as part of a larger unit. This includes understanding the roles and responsibilities of each team member and controlling the use of communication devices to maintain constant contact.

The program also covers legal and ethical aspects of the profession.

Bodyguards learn about the legal consequences of their actions and the importance of upholding ethical standards. This includes understanding laws related to the use of force, privacy issues and the rights of individuals.

By gaining this knowledge, bodyguards are better prepared to make informed decisions that protect their clients while respecting legal boundaries.

In summary, attending an advanced training program greatly enhances a bodyguard’s ability to assess and mitigate threats, improve physical and tactical skills, and improve communication and teamwork abilities. The training also equips them with basic medical skills and an in-depth understanding of the legal and ethical criteria of their profession.

These comprehensive learning outcomes ensure bodyguards are well prepared to protect their clients in a wide range of situations.

Upon completion of the program, all trainees will receive:

  • Certificate of successful attendance – EUROCERT.

The exams are carried out by EUROCERT AE, independently accredited by the National Accreditation System (ESYD), Body certifying persons, which ensures the objective and impartial conduct of the assessment of the learning results.

  • Advanced Bodyguard Certification – Core Group / Isbo Academy

Participants are required to participate in any identification process carried out by Core Group / ISBO Academy with the aim of ensuring the quality of our services.

Participants are required to take part in tests and evaluations that will take place during and at the end of the program.

To complete the program, an 80% pass rate is required in all assessments – tests. In case of non-completion of the program due to the fault of the trainee, he has the possibility to join the next training program.

Information – Registration

Phones: +30 231 231 5917 & +30 6947 847 969

Email: &



  • Gerardo Javier Casanova Calzadilla

    September 10, 2024 - 5:56 pm

    Será un honor, gracias

  • Darién Aballí Huerta

    September 16, 2024 - 5:33 pm

    Mis saludos, me comunico para participar en el curso que ofrecerá su compañía en Cuba

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